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Goldman Raises Forecast For EME – $GS $DIA $INVO

By John F. Heerdink, Jr.

Reportedly,  Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (GS) revised its forecast for emerging market equities (EME) upwards as it witnesses the developing world benefiting from the reopening of China’s borders, improving European growth prospects and softening U.S. inflation. The bank sees MSCI’s index of emerging market shares reaching 1,150 over the next 12 months, a near-10% jump from current levels, and a jump from previous target of 1,075.

“These forecasts do suggest further EM outperformance, though this view is driven by returns in North Asia and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) primarily – which are in turn based on a constructive outlook of Chinese growth and oil prices,” stated Goldman Sachs.


The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (GS) is one of the world’s leading investment bankers & also a securities and investment management firm that offers a wide range of financial services with a diversified client base. To learn more about The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (GS) and to continue to track its progress please visit the Vista Partners Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (GS), Coverage Page

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Fertility rates have hit a record low in the United States. The latest US government fertility statistics come from 2019, and they estimate there were 58.2 births year per 1,000 women of childbearing age (defined by the CDC as women between ages 15 and 44).

If you have ever struggled with infertility issues, or know someone who has, you are probably well aware of how demoralizing it can be. Imagine for a moment spending thousands of dollars and months of intensive medical procedure only to end up empty handed, exhausted, sad, and defeated because after all of that time, work, and money, you still don’t have a baby. That’s an incredibly difficult situation, and it’s becoming more common each passing year. Likewise, the need for more effective, less invasive infertility treatment options is increasing with each passing year. This is the sole focus of medtech company INVO Bioscience (NASDAQ: INVO). Learn more by reading the following story that we published recently. 

INVO Bioscience (NASDAQ: $INVO), A Company Seeking To Address A Massively Underserved Fertility Market

(Read Original Story: Goldman Sachs raises emerging markets equities forecast in Reuters)


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