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Tesla’s Semi Truck Deliveries Expected In December 2022 For PepsiCo – $TSLA $PEP $SPY $INVO

By John F. Heerdink, Jr.

Reportedly, PepsiCo Inc (PEP) is to become the first company to receive its orders for Tesla’s (TSLA) much-delayed Semi truck EVs in December. The beverage giant informed that the trucks would be used at its Frito-Lay plant in Modesto, California, and its PepsiCo beverages factory in Sacramento. The company has been aiming to reduce fuel costs and emissions and reserved 100 trucks in 2017.

Major U.S. companies have pledged to act in order to reduce emissions and their impacts on the environment, with PepsiCo aiming to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040. However, Tesla nor Pepsi disclosed the number of Semis that would arrive at PepsiCo in December.

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Vista Partners LLC (”Vista”) is a California Registered Investment Advisor based in San Francisco. Vista delivers timely and relevant insights via the website: www.vistapglobal.com with daily stories, weekly market updates, monthly macroeconomic newsletters, podcasts, & Vista’s proprietary equity and market research to help you stay informed and stay competitive. Vista’s mission is to invest partner capital while arming investors with a comprehensive global financial perspective across all market sectors. Vista also seeks to provide select issuers with actionable advice regarding fundamental development, corporate governance, and capital market directives.

The multi-billion-dollar global fertility market is predicted to reach approximately US$47.9 billion by 2030, yet remains severely underserved with many patients (upwards of 90% by many estimates) unable to access affordable treatment. The INVOcell solution provides an advanced, effective and affordable infertility treatment to help increase access to care.

Intravaginal culture (IVC) is the process where a woman’s body acts as a natural incubator. The first and only FDA-cleared, CE -marked medical device for IVC, INVOcell® holds the eggs and sperm within the woman’s body during fertilization and early embryo development. A safe, intimate way for women to be connected right from the very beginning.

INVO Bioscience, Inc. (NASDAQ: INVO), a commercial-stage fertility company focused on expanding access to advanced treatment worldwide with its INVOcell ® medical device and the intravaginal culture (“IVC”) procedure it enables,  announced on Nov. 1 a successful showcasing of INVOcell at last week’s 2022 Scientific Congress & Expo of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) held on October 22-26, 2022 in Anaheim, California.

“INVO’s cumulative progress over the past two years, on both the commercial front as well as additional real world patient outcomes data, allowed us to further highlight our innovative INVOcell solution at last week’s ASRM conference,” commented Steve Shum, CEO of INVO Bioscience. “It was clear at this year’s annual conference that INVOcell’s presence in the marketplace is growing, and our expanded commercial approach is attractive.  Our business development team engaged in a number of productive discussions with interested parties at the conference revolving around our commercial efforts toward providing INVOcell to existing clinics, opening our own INVO Centers, and now selectively acquiring existing fertility practices.”

Important to the recent progress, over the past year, INVO Bioscience opened, in collaboration with physician partners, three North American-based INVO Centers focused on offering IVC as an advanced and affordable alternative to IVF, utilizing INVOcell. The Company has also announced plans to open centers in Kansas City, Tampa Bay, and the San Francisco Bay Area with the goal of further expanding to other locations to help address the massively underserved patients suffering from infertility issues and a lack of affordable and reasonably located access to care.

On August 15, 2022, INVO also announced its intention to opportunistically pursue acquisitions of established fertility clinics in the U.S. to complement its existing strategy of opening new INVO Centers to accelerate its growth initiatives. The Company signed a non-binding letter of intent for one specific opportunity. INVO and the key principals are working to consummate this acquisition and will then develop a plan to incorporate INVOcell and the IVC procedure into the clinic’s existing operations to grow the business and provide an additional treatment option for patients.

“We believe the strategy to acquire established fertility clinics in the U.S.  complements our existing INVO Center strategy and will allow us to accelerate our growth plans and help expand the use of INVOcell. Potential acquisitions of established profitable fertility clinics in the U.S. represents a logical extension of our strategy. We believe the ASRM conference provided a great opportunity to further communicate our overall progress and technology achievements as well as our unique commercial approach toward helping to democratize fertility care,” Shum concluded.

The ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo, https://www.asrm.org, is an in-person conference held each October in various cities across the U.S. The Society is dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of reproductive medicine. It accomplishes its mission through the pursuit of excellence in evidence-based, life-long education and learning, through the advancement and support of innovative research, through the development and dissemination of the highest ethical and quality standards in patient care, and through advocacy on behalf of physicians and affiliated healthcare providers and their patients.  This year’s Congress featured tracks for Reproductive Endocrinology, Assisted Reproductive Technology, ART Lab, Reproductive Surgery, Mental Health, Nursing, Genetic Counseling, Male Reproduction, and more.

(Read Original Story: UPDATE 2-PepsiCo confirms Tesla Semi truck deliveries to start in December in Reuters)


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