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Self-driving British Startup Wayve Implementing Microsoft’s Supercomputer Infrastructure – $MSFT $DIA

By John F. Heerdink, Jr.

Reportedly, British startup Wayve is to implement a supercomputer infrastructure designed by Microsoft (MSFT) to process vast amounts of data, as it is developing machine learning-based models for self-driving cars. Wayve’s technology is built on machine learning instead of the conventional method that uses detailed digital maps and coding to guide vehicles on how to operate. Wavye’s technology uses camera sensors placed outside of the vehicle, and the system understands traffic patterns and the behavior of other drivers. 

“Microsoft is providing supercomputing muscle. What we’re looking to do goes beyond the bounds of what’s possible for commercial cloud offerings today,” stated Wayve Chief Executive Alex Kendall.

Kendall informed that Microsoft’s technology will be able to process the terabyte of data, or equivalent to around an hour of consumer video that the Wayve’s cars generate every minute.

Redmond, Washington-based American multinational technology company Microsoft (MSFT) develops, manufactures, licenses supports, and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services. To learn more about Microsoft (MSFT) and to track their progress please visit the Vista Partners Coverage Page.

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(Read Original Story: Self-driving startup Wayve taps Microsoft for 'supercomputer muscle' in Reuters)


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