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Amex Mandating Its U.S Employees Returning To Office To Be Fully Vaccinated

By John F. Heerdink, Jr.

Reportedly, American Express Company (AXP) is requiring that its U.S employees working in the office need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 beginning Nov. 18, as per an internal memo sent by Chief Executive Officer Stephen Squeri. However, wearing masks or other facial coverings will be optional in spaces marked only for company use. The mandate will apply to contractors, visitors to any of AmEx’s U.S. offices, and employees who participate in in-person events of the company.

“We also expect to introduce vaccine requirements in other countries where we are permitted by law and as the situation warrants,” stated Squeri.

AmEx is planning to bring its full workforce back to the office on Jan. 24 next year, will not introduce mandatory COVID-19 testing programs with the vaccination requirement in place. Also, unvaccinated U.S. employees and those without any proof of vaccination will be allowed to ask for a virtual work arrangement, if they can work effectively.

Dow 30 component American Express Company (AXP) and its subsidiaries provide customers and businesses with charge and credit payment card products and travel-related services globally. They look to enrich the lives of their customers and build business success. To learn more about American Express Company (AXP) and to continue to track its progress please visit the Vista Partners American Express Coverage Page.

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(Read Original Story: AmEx U.S. employees returning to office need to be fully vaccinated - memo in Reuters)


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